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Love for Rosa
Rosa's 23rd Birthday [2022]
handcrafted art for Rosa
-> machine made
Who is Rosa?
🥇 [109] You ma’am, are an otter.
🥇 [109a] You ma’am, are an otter.
🥈 [172] Queen Rosa (swimming blissfully)-356E-4EB5-B261-B887BEFA1B64
🥉 [070] Chasing the off-brand beacon
[001] Very high effort drawing of Rosa the sea otter
[002] Minimalist Rosa
[003] i luv yoo roza
[004] Divorce Court
[005] Rosa and Me #2
[006] rosa the otter (she is an otter)
[007] For many birthdays to come!
[008] Rosa Floating with Doug and Chat
[009] Rosa's Birthday Dinner
[010] Claire de Rosa
[011] Shrine of Rosa
[011a] Shrine of Rosa
[012] Happy Birthday Rosa!
[013] Pirate Rosa!
[014] A Rosa Family Birthday Party
[015] rosa the sea otter
[016] Chill beats to swim an eat shrimp to
[017] Rosa Totem
[018] Queen Rosa di Provenza
[019] rosa
[020] Rosa Meeting Doug
[021] Rosa Watching the Stars
[022] Rosa at the Beach
[023] Rosa the sea otter birthday art piece
[024] Rosa Bday in the cosmos
[025] doug and rosa stealing the decoration of independence
[026] Rosa Plush
[027] me and rossa
[028] Langerhans11 Failed Biology
[029] Sea Otter Rosa Absolutely Devours her Cake
[030] Loving message for Rosa
[031] I Cant Draw Otter but still happy 23rd bday rosa
[032] A bad pixel art piece of Rosa ( plus some references to Doug Doug ♥️)
[033] The Primordial Rendition Of Love
[034] Troutin' about
[035] Party Rosa In a Party Hat :3
[036] Rosa bubble circle
[037] Rosa the Barbarian
[038] The Otter Of 23 Years (…and Doug)
[039] Is this an otter?
[040] Rosa (made in math class)
[041] new emotes oh yeah and also rosa i guess
[042] We threw ANOTHER birthday party for a Human
[043] Hapi Rosa
[044] Rosa is so sweet!
[045] MS Paint Rosa
[046] Rosa has powers?
[047] Rosa in Space!
[048] Soggy Cupcake
[049] Sea Otter? I Hardly Know Her
[050] Mama Rosa
[051] [Lost&Found]
[052] [Lost&Found]
[053] Rosa from state farm
[054] Rosa has had one too many shrimps
[055] Rosa!
[056] otter of the month
[057] Rosa at night
[058] Rosa but i cant draw
[059] Rosa Chuzzle
[060] Rosa and a DougDoug
[061] rosa dress up for her big day
[062] Best Girl
[063] Rosa Elevated
[064] Praise Rosa
[065] 32bit Rosa
[066] Mona Lisa but it's Rosa
[067] Doug and Rosa
[068] Party Time, but its drawn using only voice commands!
[069] Spelunky player char mod
[070] Chasing the off-brand beacon
[071] Modern Rosa
[072] Rosa Welcomes You To Her Birthday Party
[073] Girlboss Rosa
[074] Rosa and Doug, Handmade
[075] Baby and Adult Rosa
[076] happy birthday rosa but i cant draw
[077] Midday Rosa
[078] Better Call Rosa
[079] Rosa in the pit
[080] Rosa Lisa
[081] Happy Birthday, Dear Rosa!
[082] Rosa's Divorce Court (Exhibit A)
[084] rose-a
[085] Cute Rosa
[086] Rosa with her rosé
[087] doug discovers the best video on youtube
[088] Saul Goodman legally acquiring a happy birthday
[089] The Last Feeding
[090] Relaxed Rosa
[091] Rosa's Galaxy Bday Party
[092] RosaUwU
[093] Queen of Chatlantis
[094] Lego Rosa and her clones!
[095] Rosa hits the jim
[096] Rosas Adventure
[097] Basking is Rosa's glory
[098] DougDoug but everyone is an anime girl except twitch chat
[099] Rosa the Space Pope
[100📹] Adventure for Rosa
[101] rosa with a slice of pizza
[102] Rosa Flowing in The Breeze
[103] A Day With Parkzer
[104] Happy Birthday Rosa
[105] Our Pixel Queen
[106] Dreaming Rosa
[107] A Kiss for the Birthday Otter
[108+🎵] Rosa and Drake perform at the 1973 Super Bowl
[109] You ma’am, are an otter.
[109a] You ma’am, are an otter.
[110] Happy birthday, Rosa!
[111] Rosa at the Beach
[112] Shrimp and Cake for Rosa!
[113] Flight of the Long Rosa
[114] toadette died in an 8 car Collison
[115] Doug & Rosa
[116] Rosa the Grenade Launcher
[117] Rosa getting a surprise from her pups
[118] Peace for Rosa, in Blue and Gold
[119] Rosa enjoying her 23rd birthday! 🎉
[120] Rosa Lina and Dougma
[121] Happy birthday Rosa!
[122] Me and rosa are one
[123] Summoning Rosa
[125] Rosa and her PlushPlush
[126] Rosa in a blue lake
[127] rosaaa
[128] Birthday Hug!
[129] Rosa with her surrogate babies (ft. Bunny suit doug)
[129a] Rosa with her surrogate babies (ft. Bunny suit doug)
[130] Rosa in a Party Hat
[131] rosa on the rocks
[132] Origami Rosa
[133] Rosa’s Birthday Shrimp Feast
[134] Rosa's cruising on a sea of shrimps
[135] Queen Rosa in Miniature
[135a] Queen Rosa in Miniature
[135b] Queen Rosa in Miniature
[136] Lawfully Wedded Rosa
[137] *Peggle*(2007) All
[138] Rosa’s Birthday Makes A Splash!
[139] Queen Rosa of Monterey
[140] Sharing a snack with the Queen
[141] Queen Rosa
[142] Potato Rosa
[143] Sketchy Rosa
[144] My Magnum Opus
[145] Holding Hands
[146] Rosa playing among us in class
[147] Rosa's Galaxy
[148] Rosa the sea otter eats Mr Crabs alive
[149] Animated rosa
[150] Mona Rosa
[151] The Real Fake Rosa
[152] Rosa the Dragonborm
[152a] Rosa the Dragonborm
[152b] Rosa the Dragonborm
[153] Happy birthday to our favorite otter <3
[154] The Otter
[155] DougDoug and Rosa's Classroom Fighter
[156] Da sexy Rosa
[157] Rosa Eating Shrimp
[158] Rosa Lisa
[159] Doug observes Rosa doing a double umstroke
[160] rosa has drip 👀
[161] Rosa the ripper
[162] The room of Rosa
[163] Definitely not made by a 23 year old
[164] Pixel Party For Rosa
[165] Happy Birthday Rosa!
[166] Rosa: A Chef D'oeuvre
[167] Mona Rosa
[168] Comic
[169] Rosa!
[170] Ice Cream
[171] Crochet Rosa V1
[171a] Crochet Rosa V1
[172] Queen Rosa (swimming blissfully)
[173] Saint Rosa of Monterey
[174] Rosa’s party!
[175] cosmic Rosa
[176] Rosa's Birthday Treat
[177] Rosa in water
[178] Rosa my beloved
[179] Happy Birthday Rosa!
[180] Rosa the Savior
[181] Happy Birthday Rosa!
[182] Otter Dive
[183] [Lost&Found]
[184] Diving Rosa
[185] Rosa Hearthstone Card
[186] Happy Birthday Rosa!
[187] Rosa Swim Simulator
[188] birthdayrosawithdougandchat
[189] The Douginati
[190] my mom said she liked it :D
[191] Party for one, Fish for all
[192] Our Queen In The Ocean Of Stars
[193] Origami Rosa
[194] Underwater hello :)
[195] Best Dressed
[196] Rough drawing of a Sea Otter
[197] happy birthday rosa :)
[198] Rosa’s birthday cake!
[199] Never underestimate Rosa.
[200] swimming rosa
[201] The Little Rosa
[202] Rosa Enjoying a Snack
[203] Rosa in the Pool (with a party hat on :3)
[204] Otter chaos
[205] What's hotter than this otter?
[206] rosa goes for a schwim
[207] We love Rosa
[208] "rosa the sea rabbit"
[209] Rosa's Birthday Party!
[210] Rosa Helps Twitch Chat in Divorce Court
[211] Rosa the Peggle God
[212] 23 Years of Rosa
[212a] 23 Years of Rosa
[212b] 23 Years of Rosa
[213] Rosa’s birthday surprise
[214] Better Call Rosa!
[215] Rosa The Sea Otter: The Game
[216] Crochet Queen Rosa
[217] Diagram of the Solar System
[218] Interspecies Birthday Party
[219] Only the best for Rosa
[220] Mona Rosa
[221] Rosa Party with Pokemon
[222] queens guard
[223] Rosa-cure
[223a] Rosa-cure
[224] rosa made in powerpoint
[224a] rosa made in powerpoint
[225] Spider-Rosa
[226] Rosasrhdrrjdffffgv
[227] Watercolor Rosa
[228] Team otters 2
[229] Embroidered Rosa
[230] Rosa with Magic Hat
[231] telekinetic rosa
[232] Happy birthdayRosa
[233] The Legend of Rosa
[234] Rosa Celebrating Bday In Magic Hat Utopia
[235] The otter scream
[236] Rosa
[237] Floating.
[238] Oldest of them all
[239] Darling Rosa with Magic Hat
[240] Rosa Gets A DougDoug Plush
[241] She's Playing the Best Retirement of her Life <3
[242] Mother Rosa
[243🗨️] Rosa and ‘The Lobster’ in Peggling the Pegger
[244] Happy B-Day, Rosa!
[245] Rosa's surprise party
[246] Happy Birthday Rosa
[247] Ace Attorney - Turnabout Otters
[248] Rosa
[249] Rosa went for a dive (2022)
[250] Rosa watching the 14 hour stream!
[251] Rosa my beloved ♥
[252] Rosa my beloved ♥
[253] Rosa Splash
[254] My Dearest
[255] hey, can i have that scallop?
[256] Rosa on the rocks
[256a] Rosa on the rocks
[257] Rosa's Cool Birthday
[258] Rose Ah
[259] Happy 23rd Birthday Rosa
[260] Rosa, Rosa tan maravillosa
[261] Chillin’
[262] Planet Rosa
[263] Happy 23 queen
[264] Rosa gets DougHugs
[265] Rosa and Associates
[266+🎵] Song for Rosa
[267] Rosa's 23rd birthday (made in MS Paint)
[268] A cake for rosa
[269+🎵] Rosa's Birthday Ditty (La Vie En Rosa)
[270] Rosa’s Birthday
[271] Rosa
[272] Rosa in da water.
[272a] Rosa in da water.
[273] HBD Rosa!
[274] Rosa and Doug share a tranquil moment
[275📹] Rosa Mlerm
[276] Happy 23rd Birthday Rosa!
[277] Present for Rosa
[278] Rosa with a magic hat
[279] Rosa as marilyn monroe
[280] Monterey’s Finest
[281] rosa with the drip
[282] Tattoo Flash Sheet for Rosa!
[283] Momma Rosa
[284] Rosa's Babies!!
[285] ROSA
[286] to our favorite otter! ^-^
[287] Chef Rosa Explaining With Food
[288] A Present from Twitch Chat
[289] Battle of the double decade + 1
[290] Love Rosa
[291] Rosa the Judge
[292] The godess of the sea
[293] #BunnySuit4Rosa
[294] Queen Rosa I
[295] [Lost&Found]
[295a] [Lost&Found]
[295b] [Lost&Found]
[296] Rosa enjoying her audience
[297] Fetch
[298] Queen Rosa w/Her Crown
[299] party hat otter
[300] happy birthday rosa :)
[301] happy birthday Queen Rosa
[302] Just Adorable
[303] Long Live The Queen
[304] Lovely View
[305] The Greatest Fairy
[306] Rosa as a Pokémon!
[308] Rosgun
[309] gen 9 pokémon leak
[310] Rosa gets a cupcake from the main character and doug while looking through chats divorce paper
[311] Swimming with Rosa
[312] The Greatest of the Coast
[313] Holy Rosa
[314] Love, Chat
[315] Crocheted Rosa Plushie
[315a] Crocheted Rosa Plushie
[316] Rosa's Coat of Arms
[317] Rosa's Shrimp Feast Interrupted
[319] Rosa robs the Oxygen Bank with Captain Crypto
[320] Doug meets Rosa
[322] Rosa's Angels
[323] Twig [Animation Meme]
[324] Happy birthday, Rosa
[325] everyone's favorite sea otter
[326] Rosa + DougDoug
[327] Kiss from the Rose(a)
[328] WeLoveRosa
[329] Chillaxing
[330] Rosa dance
[331] Rosa swimming<3
[332] rosanberg
[333] Fanart
[334] Rosa My Beloved
[335] Dearest Rosa the Sea Otter, On Your 23rd Birthday
[336] Love you Rosa
[337] Rosa the Queen
[338📹] Rosa Rap Battle
[339] The Birthday Otter!
[340] Rosa Wearing a Rose
[341] Queen Rosa
[342] Queen Rosa Knights the Bunny Doug
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